Please take a moment to read this.
All those educated people of schools like Eaton, Harrow, Harvard and Yale,
Those educated people who become world leader, why is that they fail?
They have has every opportunity to show and express all they possess,
Such power and responsibility and they've just made a mess!
Most are from wealthy families, wanting more than they need,
Putting profits before people, consumed by fear and greed,
Do they not teach any ethics in those schools,
Politicians and their promises, taking us for fools,
I am not educated and have learned all I know through the trials of my life,
I don't have much, but I have my heart, it tells me wrong from right,
I could not ignore the horror of oppression and of war,
Death, Poverty, Hunger, No! These things I cannot ignore,
Perhaps in those schools they have lessons on how to become feeble?
So perhaps we should forgive all those educated people!

This was one of the most beautiful and truest words I have read in a while. It will always be relevant but especially lately with the whole controversy of Jeremy Corbyn vs Cameron aka pig-f*ucker and the US Presidential campaigns. I do feel that the emergence of Corbyn and Sanders are somewhat a turning point in Western governments as they are both strong socialist contenders for the power.
I am eagerly waiting for the turn of events.

The gentleman writes all his poems and you can usually see this and him on Trafalgar Square.
He has many other brilliant poems on his facebook page, support him at the Homeless Bard 

peace ☮ ✌


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